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from the top Manipal universities

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Over Years of educational excellence
Over Learner footprint across towns & cities of India
Over Student nationalities
Over Expert faculty

Explore our Online Manipal Degree Programs

Online Manipal Degree programmes are comprehensive learning experiences that develop and enhance skill sets that can be applied to diverse job profiles

Seamless learning journey

Empowered education

Courses designed with industry leaders and experienced faculty
Globally and nationally recognised degrees
On-the-go access to quizzes, webinars, doubt-clearing sessions
Career assistance and networking opportunities

Learn at your pace

Access learning material anytime, anywhere
Attend live & recorded lectures and talks
Use and engage with our platform on a phone, laptop, or desktop
Digital platform optimised to run even on low bandwidth

Enhanced digital learning platform

Access 1000+ hours of cutting-edge tutorials
Write secure, remote proctored semester exams online
Learn with online quizzes and practice tests
Interact and collaborate with peers and faculty

Experienced faculty & real world mentors

Top-tier faculty at the forefront of their fields
Over 50% of our faculty hold PhDs
Amplifies real-world insights and applied knowledge
Boost your confidence and communication with supportive faculty

P.O.BOX – 22525,
HAM Towers 4th Floor,
Opp. Makerere University Main Road,
Kampala Uganda

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